Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fitting 'in'

This is definitely a 'hind sight' ability... the topic of 'fitting in.' It is one that we 'naturally' want to be a part of from early life. No one wants to or likes being on the outside. No one likes to be any different. We either want to be leading the pack or at the least - hiding in it - just not out of it.
While reading about Abraham and his call in Hebrews 11:8-10 to an unknown place, there are many roads to which this topic can lead. It is a MOST important thought - because in dealing with the 'fitting in' aspect, we define 'how we see ourselves' and thusly 'how we act and live' - and really '' who we are.' Next it carries over to what we pass on to our children about who they are and confidence and values and priorities, etc. etc. etc.

Abraham left a place of idol worship and paganism because he 'believed God.' He believed that God was, that He would lead, that His ways were best - Abraham kept the right picture and priorities always before Him. When we are 'saved,' we leave that place and begin our called walk and way. The question is do we keep on toward His Place, in His power, with His reality always as our Truth. It is a daily effort of the will. We must daily realize who and whose we are - who we belong to and why (1 Cor. 6:19, 20; Romans 7:4; 2 Cor. 5 & 6) and put on our armor (Eph. 6).

Did Abraham leave everything and move right in and make himself at home? No - he lived 'like a stranger in a foreign land.' We also are strangers and aliens in this world. We are just passing through. What a delicate balance to be 'in it,' but not 'of it.' We definitely live 'in it.' And that is where it gets difficult. God definitely wants us here and 'in it.' Otherwise we'd already be in heaven. This is the trick - learning to live 'in it' - all the while keeping the heavenly perspective and becoming conformed to His image - one of dependence and trust and joy and peace.

So important - how we see ourselves. It defines who we are - or at least who we think we are at this moment and thusly how we live and move and have our being. In reality, we are aliens, with no rights, possessing nothing, yet possessing EVERYTHING. We are of the royal household - children of the KING. We are the ROYAL family. Yet we do not - and should not - quite 'fit in.' But we do not see or experience it that way. Actually, we are the ones living in Reality. (What a message. It gives peace and confidence and value.)

So where is all this leading at the moment??? One - this thought is for us. Then, we must pass it on as a privilege and free gift of Grace (no pride) and teach and impart to our children how to live this way. And it is NOT easy. They see straight through us. Do they instinctively know that we value God and His ways and life - - or do they see us comfortably in this world and its values? We must pray constantly for them and for their protection from the enemy - Abraham had many enemies - but God protected him. he failed, but God forgave and set him on his feet again. It is a long walk - just be sure we are headed in the right direction!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

big picture

How do we live daily when we don't like what or where we are?

Focus on and live now because of the 'Big Picture.'
What is that and how does that help 'today?'

The 'big picture' is that time and space now is, in reality, almost an indicernable 'dot' in light of eternity. However we are a most significant 'dot,' and are the eternal focus of God - we are His workmanship and His heirs - we cost Him His Son...He gave ALL for us - in the here and now - but THINK BIGGER - or as they say, 'outside the box.' Thinking outside of ourselves, actually gives the 'now' significance and value - as well as peace and joy. Crazy isn't it? It all seems to contradict, but really it does not - it puts it all together properly and with worth!! This little 'dot' - by thinking 'outside' - actually gains its meaning and joy, etc. We become bigger and all that we are meant to be through realizing how this 'dot' fits into eternity. We are empowered to live fuller and richer now by understanding our 'dot' in God's huge picture of Eternity!!

How can we deal with the broken dreams and sufferings and horrors of this life apart from God and His plan. We either place ourselves in His hands or become cynical and angry or choose some type of escape that causes much harm to others.

All of life is going to an end - and that is God's eternity. All that we experience now is from His benevolent hand to fit us for that. Yes - all. Either Scripture is true or it is not - God is Good, God is Sovereign, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, etc, etc. or not.
God either 'works all things for good' or He does not or is incapable (Rms 8:28.)
He is who He says He is - or He lies and is not.
God is NEVER the author of evil nor does He tempt us with evil. (James 1) However, ultimately even 'Satan's work is the work of God'. WOW!! what a hard thought. But consider the book of Job.

All that happens in our lives is to mold us, prepare us, teach us - to draw us near to God. To help us acknowledge our total dependance upon - our desparate need of Him - mainly from the sinful SELF that we are. My biggest enemy is me and my black heart (I really do want it easy and good) - which is just what God is working on - to swap my sin for Christ's righteousness. An uneven trade - once which Christ paid for with His life - gladly and even wanting to - for me.

"During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, and once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him. (Heb. 5:7-9)

Jesus offered up prayers and petitions with 'loud cries and tears.' He asked God for the strength to submit to his plan that would bring him pain. (Nancy Guthrie - Hoping for Something Better - page 63) Again - what a thought!! and realization - that Christ asked for it - knowing it would bring Him pain! and that - all for us. He 'learned obedience through suffering.'

As I KNOW these things about Jesus - if I am willing to submit myself under the benevolent government of God and a perfectly Loving Father -then, I can view all that comes my way as coming through the hand of God. AND - view it as 'good.' It often becomes a balancing act - keeping His plan in the forefront and my situation under Him - but I must remember what I KNOW to be TRUTH.

Then the amazing thing happens - all of my 'situations' that seem hard, become manageable and even profitable (and hesitantly I say 'good') - often this is from hindsight. Yet is is TRUE.
And I become better and better able to relax and trust and even find those things to enjoy in the daily routine. He wants me to trust Him and enjoy Him now. This not a living in the future - although there is something of that in this - He wants me to LIVE now!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"give me a 'break'"

Hebrews 3 tells us to hold 'fast' and again to hold 'firm' our confidence and/or relationship with Christ to the end. Yet sometimes we 'feel' we are being or have been so good/spiritual - working so hard on our growth or ministry or so involved with our church or study - that we need a break...just some down time, some time to relax, to not think, to just hang out, to forget everything just for a time, etc. Whatever!

Again we are in the midst of the throws of a dilemna where each 'side' sounds right and the arguments can go on and on and each 'sounds' so right. What then are we to think? How do we live? Do we chunk it all because it is confusing? NO! it is right here that our enemy is active and alive and seeking whom he can devour. We must press on and see truth.

We must press on and persevere and hold fast. We do not need a break. We do not need a vacation from our faith. ' We can no more have a break from spirituality and remain spiritual than we can have a break from morality and remain moral.' The problem - as always - lies with the big 'I.' We are making it something that God never intended - a responsibility that He never intended for us to bear. He is far more gentle and patient than we can ever imagine. Yes, the standard is high - perfect - but the burden is light (Matt. 11:28-30). Who can resist these verses -"Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you , and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." How can this be? What ever does it mean? I sure don't experience this!

Again - the problem is always with me and what I want or think I need or deserve or the way I think God wants me to be or act or grow.... something is wrong - and it is in my thinking. God is a totally loving and patient and kind and good Father. Why do I put pressures on myself when He does not. If the yoke is hard, it is because it is my yoke. It is 'me' either trying to earn His love - which is already mine - by being 'great.' Or, there is something I am desparately trying to hanging on to - and I am trying to serve two masters (Matt. 6:19- 24) - me and what I want or me and what I think I should be.
Relax!! All of life is His - all of life can be spiritual. I don't have to get into a 'spiritual mode. It just is.

So - how can a yoke be easy and how can a burden be light? When it is His and not mine and He carries it - not me. I am totally dependant - for joy, for peace, for fulfillment, etc. and herein is peace and freedom and power.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

whose body on the cross

The Resurrection - as fabulous, essential, all powerful, etc. etc. as it is - does not erase the Cross and its horror and suffering and cost. Although Christ DID take the sting of sin and death, bore our sins and pain, we must follow Him to/through the agony of the Cross. (definitely in a much lesser way - and for many reasons - we do not have to give up who we are and take on humanity, we will not be separated from our Father, etc. - here was the real cost!)

Songs like 'All to Jesus I surrender,' 'The Old Rugged Cross,' 'I am crucified with Christ, yet now I no longer live' are hard, hard meanings, but one who is 'in Christ' will come to this spot and it is not easy, actually it is impossible to proceed to freedom and power in Chirst without the Holy Spirit doing it ALL- here is where these principles and verses like Romans 2:20 and Romans 6 lend their fulness.

Christ did indeed say that we would 'taste the cup of which He drank.' So, those of us who talk about being 'in Christ' and 'crucified with Christ' need to realize the depth of that statement. We must indeed follow Him there. But the GOOD NEWS is that He walked there Himself and goes with / carries us there. By His humanity He experienced it all! Think of all He surrendered - (Phil. 2:1 -11.)

So - 'whose body on the cross?' And how do we 'taste the cup?' I must decide that 'sin must die in me' - not be surpressed - but a moral decision to offer ones' self up and to reckon (count as true!!) Romans 6:11 ( and the whole chapter) as 'mine' and truth. When our enemy roars around and wants to challenge - "I am dead to that" I do not HAVE to yield - to sin. I simply may 'choose' to sin, but no excuses, I do not HAVE to. This is a radial issue of my will.

We say -'I'll never be perfect until I get to heaven.' True - but this cannot be an excuse to continue on in sin. We must yield our wills and crucify them and allow the power of the same Holy Spirit that Jesus lived by abide and live in us. As we identify with Christ's death, we identify with His life. And that is a life of freedom and power and peace and one that glorifies God because it all depends on Him!!

This is a deal!! His life for ours.
The Resurrection life is possible in us. It is a daily thing - a daily dependance on the Holy Spirit - God has put the power of the Holy Spirit in us.

Romans 7 and 8 follow Romans 6. So when we fail, that doesn't mean that it doesn' work - it just means that we 'pull up short - confess our sin and move on.'

we can't - but He can!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

life interrupted

'Life interrupted' - what a title!! don't we all feel at times that our lives are interrupted - from our plan - our path - our dream - our reality - etc. etc.
There was a movie with a similar title years ago about a girl whose life was interrupted by mental illness. Everything changed! Nothing was ever the same.
Today I read an even more striking article about Simon of Cyrene. A man on his way to celebrate a high Jewish holiday, the Passover, the release of God's chosen people from slavery was suddenly grabbed and forced to carry a huge beam on his back to the 'place of the skull' - Golgotha. For him it was a shameful thing in which to be involved - this Roman murder. He was simply headed to celebrate - to synagogue - and suddenly out of nowhere, his life was changed - interrupted from his plan, his reality. This was nothing of his own doing - but it permanently marked him.
Simon walked behind a man like no man he had evr known. One who turned and spoke to women who were wailing beside him. He comforted them and spoke truth - and reminded them of the Old Testament scriptures. We can only guess what went through Simon's mind as he watched and listened to this Jesus, on His way to His undeserved death. But we can be certain that his life was never the same - Scripture is silent on Simon again.
I must put myself in Simon's place and think what it means to observe and follow this most unusual man. What will I do with the circumstances that 'interrupt' my life? How will I react? What direction will the event of gazing in jesus' face have on the rest of my life?
How do I handle these 'forks in my path?' Do I see them in relation to following the God of everything or merely see them as an 'interruption' as I follw a condemned man.
Do I believe Hebres 2:8 - that 'nothing is out of His control?' Do I chose to trust Him or grumble and complain that I have this misfortune to carry a cross?
What an honor for Simon that he was selected by God to carry the Cross!!
Honor and trust or interruption??

Monday, March 16, 2009

amazed and afraid

There are so many descriptions of how we react to Jesus - thankful, joyful, awed, loved, convicted, cared for, etc. etc. Mark 10:32 gives interesting descriptive words... amazed and afraid.
What do these follow? They follow Jesus teaching some hard to understand parables - about the rich young ruler and how difficult it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle and leaving loved ones for His sake and the first being last... some that are difficult to get the correct meaning and others that we simply don't want to 'get it.'
We should ALWAYS be amazed and afraid; these are elements that will by necessity, by the very fact that Jesus is God, be a portion of the equation of understanding. Jesus is about something bigger than what we see and understand for the moment and we will never 'get' all of it until we see Him face to face. At the beginning of our Christian life we were sure that we knew all about Jesus and how to follow and what it all meant; but as we go on, we are not so sure. He takes us places we are not sure we want to go and that we are not sure are from Him. 'There is an aspect of Jesus that chills the heart of a disciple to the core and makes the whole spiritual life gasp for breath." (O. Chambers)
Yet - when we add in Hebrews 2:8 -'...he left NOTHING outside his control.' At present, we do not yet see everything in subjection to him. BUT we see him..' Two new elements (1) there is nothing outside of His control. WOW!! How can that be?? I really don't want to believe that always - for if I do believe it, it means I must make the decision to trust Him or not. What about the 'bad' things? I guess it comes down to my definition of 'bad.' (I think I am getting into an area where it is dangerous to try to put things into words - it is so easy to say it wrong and not fully - and be totally misunderstood.)
So herein comes some of the amazement and the 'afraid.' Amazed at His overarching and all-inclusive plan - and afraid of the meanings for now. So how do we live? here is the Second element - Heb 2:9 is the solution - .."But we see Jesus..." We must learn to get out of the situation and look at the character and person of God - who He is and how He loves me.
I must 'set my mind on things above.' (Phil. 4:8) I must 'Look to Jesus , the author and finisher of my faith.' (Heb12:1-3)
It is not an easy walk - but we have all of the Holy Spirit within us to enable us to do it. Only in dependence on Him can we walk with Christ - and as we are human, it will be with amazement and fear.

Friday, March 6, 2009

'living' amid the 'dailies'

When God gives us opportunity to speak, shine, work, etc for Him, we pray, read the Word, spend time thinking about it, preparing ourselves and making sure we are depending on Him. This we should do!! But what about the 'dailies?' How do we live in the drudgeries or details of life? How do we do business, drive, grocery shop, tend to children, clean the house, visit with friends, etc. on a daily basis with a joyful attitude that honors Christ? How do we take the next step?
The only way is the steady persevering living in the unseen life with Christ - dependent. John 13 talks of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples. What a task - dusty, dirty feet. Verse 3 says, "Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God, rose from supper" - to wash the feet. So -how did He do that menial task as unto the Lord?
1. Knowing who He was!!
2. Knowing where He was going.
3. Getting up!!- 'doing the next thing.'

This is how we must live that daily life when there is no inspiration, no real 'vision,' no one watching to encourage, etc. Simply - Know who and whose we are!!! Get up and move out - do the task at hand - knowing that He has me where I am supposed to be, I 'have -right now - ALL things pertaining to life and godliness' - that 'I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.' I must 'do all things without mumbling and grumbling.' This how I grow and glorify God - Knowing that He is in charge and He leads my life!!!