Saturday, May 9, 2009

big picture

How do we live daily when we don't like what or where we are?

Focus on and live now because of the 'Big Picture.'
What is that and how does that help 'today?'

The 'big picture' is that time and space now is, in reality, almost an indicernable 'dot' in light of eternity. However we are a most significant 'dot,' and are the eternal focus of God - we are His workmanship and His heirs - we cost Him His Son...He gave ALL for us - in the here and now - but THINK BIGGER - or as they say, 'outside the box.' Thinking outside of ourselves, actually gives the 'now' significance and value - as well as peace and joy. Crazy isn't it? It all seems to contradict, but really it does not - it puts it all together properly and with worth!! This little 'dot' - by thinking 'outside' - actually gains its meaning and joy, etc. We become bigger and all that we are meant to be through realizing how this 'dot' fits into eternity. We are empowered to live fuller and richer now by understanding our 'dot' in God's huge picture of Eternity!!

How can we deal with the broken dreams and sufferings and horrors of this life apart from God and His plan. We either place ourselves in His hands or become cynical and angry or choose some type of escape that causes much harm to others.

All of life is going to an end - and that is God's eternity. All that we experience now is from His benevolent hand to fit us for that. Yes - all. Either Scripture is true or it is not - God is Good, God is Sovereign, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, etc, etc. or not.
God either 'works all things for good' or He does not or is incapable (Rms 8:28.)
He is who He says He is - or He lies and is not.
God is NEVER the author of evil nor does He tempt us with evil. (James 1) However, ultimately even 'Satan's work is the work of God'. WOW!! what a hard thought. But consider the book of Job.

All that happens in our lives is to mold us, prepare us, teach us - to draw us near to God. To help us acknowledge our total dependance upon - our desparate need of Him - mainly from the sinful SELF that we are. My biggest enemy is me and my black heart (I really do want it easy and good) - which is just what God is working on - to swap my sin for Christ's righteousness. An uneven trade - once which Christ paid for with His life - gladly and even wanting to - for me.

"During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, and once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him. (Heb. 5:7-9)

Jesus offered up prayers and petitions with 'loud cries and tears.' He asked God for the strength to submit to his plan that would bring him pain. (Nancy Guthrie - Hoping for Something Better - page 63) Again - what a thought!! and realization - that Christ asked for it - knowing it would bring Him pain! and that - all for us. He 'learned obedience through suffering.'

As I KNOW these things about Jesus - if I am willing to submit myself under the benevolent government of God and a perfectly Loving Father -then, I can view all that comes my way as coming through the hand of God. AND - view it as 'good.' It often becomes a balancing act - keeping His plan in the forefront and my situation under Him - but I must remember what I KNOW to be TRUTH.

Then the amazing thing happens - all of my 'situations' that seem hard, become manageable and even profitable (and hesitantly I say 'good') - often this is from hindsight. Yet is is TRUE.
And I become better and better able to relax and trust and even find those things to enjoy in the daily routine. He wants me to trust Him and enjoy Him now. This not a living in the future - although there is something of that in this - He wants me to LIVE now!!


KatieG said...

Great post Mom! I especially liked your talking about focusing on the Lord and what he can make out of our "mistakes". Important when in circumstances we do not like to shift our focus to the Lord instead of trying to make ourself like our circumstances. Keep writing!

heather stevenson said...

you should publish this one!!! love love love the truth. so rich.