Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fitting 'in'

This is definitely a 'hind sight' ability... the topic of 'fitting in.' It is one that we 'naturally' want to be a part of from early life. No one wants to or likes being on the outside. No one likes to be any different. We either want to be leading the pack or at the least - hiding in it - just not out of it.
While reading about Abraham and his call in Hebrews 11:8-10 to an unknown place, there are many roads to which this topic can lead. It is a MOST important thought - because in dealing with the 'fitting in' aspect, we define 'how we see ourselves' and thusly 'how we act and live' - and really '' who we are.' Next it carries over to what we pass on to our children about who they are and confidence and values and priorities, etc. etc. etc.

Abraham left a place of idol worship and paganism because he 'believed God.' He believed that God was, that He would lead, that His ways were best - Abraham kept the right picture and priorities always before Him. When we are 'saved,' we leave that place and begin our called walk and way. The question is do we keep on toward His Place, in His power, with His reality always as our Truth. It is a daily effort of the will. We must daily realize who and whose we are - who we belong to and why (1 Cor. 6:19, 20; Romans 7:4; 2 Cor. 5 & 6) and put on our armor (Eph. 6).

Did Abraham leave everything and move right in and make himself at home? No - he lived 'like a stranger in a foreign land.' We also are strangers and aliens in this world. We are just passing through. What a delicate balance to be 'in it,' but not 'of it.' We definitely live 'in it.' And that is where it gets difficult. God definitely wants us here and 'in it.' Otherwise we'd already be in heaven. This is the trick - learning to live 'in it' - all the while keeping the heavenly perspective and becoming conformed to His image - one of dependence and trust and joy and peace.

So important - how we see ourselves. It defines who we are - or at least who we think we are at this moment and thusly how we live and move and have our being. In reality, we are aliens, with no rights, possessing nothing, yet possessing EVERYTHING. We are of the royal household - children of the KING. We are the ROYAL family. Yet we do not - and should not - quite 'fit in.' But we do not see or experience it that way. Actually, we are the ones living in Reality. (What a message. It gives peace and confidence and value.)

So where is all this leading at the moment??? One - this thought is for us. Then, we must pass it on as a privilege and free gift of Grace (no pride) and teach and impart to our children how to live this way. And it is NOT easy. They see straight through us. Do they instinctively know that we value God and His ways and life - - or do they see us comfortably in this world and its values? We must pray constantly for them and for their protection from the enemy - Abraham had many enemies - but God protected him. he failed, but God forgave and set him on his feet again. It is a long walk - just be sure we are headed in the right direction!


KatieG said...

Great points mom! Lot's to think are wise!!

heather stevenson said...

maryanne, that is this. did not know you had a blog:) you are awesome...thanks for sharing this!!! great perspective about reality....always needing a good dose of that. love you. heather